RobertGesinkOfficial.com pays the utmost care to the information on our website. For us, it is important that the information is correct, up-to-date and clear and that accessibility and user-friendliness are guaranteed as much as possible. We provide you with broad information by using general information on our website for your own use. Naturally, we do not describe all possible situations and exceptions.
We therefore accept no liability for incorrect, incomplete or contradictory information on our website or in our newsletters. For specific situations and / or wishes you can contact us. For safety’s sake, we would like to point out that information sent to us by email or website is not secure and therefore cannot be considered confidential. We have all intellectual property rights with regard to our website and newsletters.
Because of our accessibility, we are happy to share information with you. However, to prevent abuses and inaccuracies as well as to safeguard our values, we cannot allow the user of our website to change, edit, reproduce, share with third parties and / or disclose information from our website and newsletters, or create a link between our website and another websites, without our prior consent.